A person that smokes cannabis alone because he/she prefers it.
I'll chill with who ever wants to blaze but smoking by yourself and being a loner stoner is the best and conservers YOUR weed from niggas.

Nothin beats the life of blazin all day and chillin :)!
by enigmaenigmaenigma July 29, 2010
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The big giant smile on your face that you get after you smoke some good weed and you're feelin reallllly nice.
Jamie: Hey man..Im feelin reallly nice right now..let's put on some music.

Steven:Okayyyy I'll do thatt (stoner smile)
by 420Chick July 15, 2009
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The tobacco dumped out the window from a cigar to smoke weed out of (known as a blunt.) Usually found in parkinglots.
You step out of your car and see a pile of tobacco on the ground and say to your buddy, "hey look at that Stoner Scat"
by curley hutto December 2, 2005
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When a member of a workplace feels so threatened by other members of staff that they have to fabricate both an entire back story of the 'exciting' life they abandoned to come and work here.

A Martin Stoner will usually see there way to the top by using their supreme lying skills to cajole insecure people into their clique, and try to 'push' other members out.
Worker 1: Did you hear that Worker 3 tried to get Lily fired?

Worker 2: Oh no, that's terrible!

Worker 1: Yeah I know

Worker 3: What are you talking about?

Worker 1: Did you try to get Lily fired?

Worker 3: No, what made you say that?

Worker 1: Well worker 4 told us - he used to work for Medicine Sans Frontier in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro so we believed him.

Worker 3: It's not true - it's a Martin Stoner.

Worker 1: Oh right, I'll watch what worker 4 tells me from now on.
by EndoGhost November 23, 2009
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To knowingly and manipulatively persuade one or more stoners to purchase food that could be construed as more than the excessive amount they already ordered.
Yo dude, that concession guy totally committed Stoner Abuse on us; we got Cherry Cokes, a large popcorn, two hot dogs each, Milk Duds, and Raisinets, and that dude tried selling us soft pretzels after we said we were done.
by Loose Mortar June 14, 2011
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luck that normally you would disregard but because you're high it seems so much more amazing and you feel like the luckiest person in the world
-"dude.. thats some serious stoner luck...."
by bongbott December 12, 2009
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A stoner couch old couch that is usualy used, ugly, and sinks in deep when you sit in it, and people get stoned and fall asleep
last night i had some good shit and i smoked it on the stoner couch.
by l3roy October 23, 2007
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