A poodle that is a cutie.
Leo: What breed is your dog?
Kat: He's a poodle.
Leo: Aww, he's so cute, what a pootie!
by badgalkat September 16, 2020
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A word Manny uses in Diary of A Wimpy Kid that you looked up hoping to find answers.
Manny called his brother, Greg, a pootie.
by cannot make this shit up September 29, 2019
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An extremely old yet distinguished fellow of Christian descent. Usually pedophilic and disgruntled but also sometimes motivational and reasonable. Usually encountered in Midwest America they may seem relatively harmless but must be approached with caution to avoid molestation or accidentally neglecting them. The easiest way to agitate one is to preform an act of atheism or voluntary drug use. As of 2022 they have been listed as the only known psychic sub species to become endangered due to their hesitancy to reproduce from dwindling numbers.
The pootie who has molested me used to be known as grandpa guitar pappy lap steel and gpa gitfiddle.
by Anthony Gordon October 25, 2022
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2 girls who talk a certain way and act a certain way
pooties b da best pooties in da world.
by pootie marie February 21, 2019
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A pet: a cute dog or puppy
I love going to the park with my favorite little pootie poo
by ForUrbanDictionary March 16, 2020
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The next step above just being a regular bitch. The king/queen of bitches. The most derogatory term so offensive that it causes people that overhear it to "poot" (fart).
That's it. You've pushed me too far! You sir, are a Pootie Bitch! *poots*
by Flay The Skin February 16, 2022
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