Somebody that either says everything you just said, or at times even tries to say something you thought of before you could say it with the help of a psychic friend, all to gain credit for doing so.
The parrot mouth wanted to claim the other person's ideas as his/her own, and found that the best way to keep the other person ostracized (or from finding any sort of rhythm) was to just mindlessly blurt out everything the other person just said back them and anybody else present (Baaa I'm not ignorant you're ignorant, Baaa I'm not the pee pee head you're the pee pee head). That way the parrot mouth won either way by remaining relevant via credit or attention from others.
by The Original Agahnim December 14, 2021
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When a girl won't suck you because she has a sore throat!
I can't go down on you, I have toast mouth!
by JAB_1987 November 11, 2018
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You are sucking up with so many complements that it's like you have your mouth full male orgasmic excretion.
After plying lots of unfounded compliments to someone, the person responds by saying, "You've said a mouthful."
by RMatrix April 12, 2021
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A syndrome characterized by the unholy burn in your mouth when you've had too much spicy food.
With horror, Hank put down his atomic wings realizing too late he had just contracted spicy mouth.
by _Hank December 5, 2015
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Dayummm nigga I know you can’t be talking bout nobody teef which yo yap yap mouth havin ass
by Zayummzaddyv January 19, 2018
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1. a literal sad horses mouth
2. where a older woman or whore have lost their elasticity in their vagina, meaning then when it comes to intercourse its like putting fingers or a penis in a moist bin bag.
how was that girl last night?
worn she had sad horses mouth syndrome
by so help me February 6, 2016
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Hey fuck that guy. Buttfuck that guy in the mouth.

Video game boss. Let's go buttfuck that guy in the mouth
This is the worst day of my life, I feel like I got buttfucked in the mouth

Buttfuck in the mouth
by Hammergut July 13, 2019
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