most annoying girl in the world. spills her drinks everywhere and will whity on the smell of smoke.
she spilt her drink
oh shes doing a sophie towns
by lilgurlgamer February 16, 2022
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A high school full of a bunch of fake hoes. There’s a bunch of upperclassmen that hit on freshman and it’s weird as hell (freshman watch out). There’s a ton of pretty girls but most are hoes tho there are some good ones. All the guys r fake and ugly so rip the girls. Ur either popular , a goth , or a weird ass kid, there’s no inbetweeen. Be careful bc the popular girls/guys are super secluded so good luck if u wanna be friends w them. And every relationship you see is cringe as fuck and ends within 2 days, and they post the break up all over the internet even tho nobody gives a shit**cough cough freshman cough cough**
E-town high school : A school full of thots, fuckboys, and pervs

Person from another school: why r u always around those ugly guys? You’re so gorgeous.

Person from E-town: lmao these r the hot ones
by Ooga booga squigga squigga September 26, 2018
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What roadmen refer to their town with if the name starts with a C
Person 1: Oi blud come down c-town yeah
Person 2: c-town?
Person 1: yeah chesham init
by Roadman stan July 6, 2017
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Ctown on top
Runners of Cardiff
Ran by SD, RH, EF, TP, A1.
I really hope we don’t see the C town boys because we are very scared of them
by Ctown on top November 27, 2021
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There's no such thing as a one horse town any more than there is such a thing as a one fish pond.
This town you're calling a one horse town and are claiming to be the one horse in isn't that at all dork, and that's coming from someone that unlike you is actually from the town originally. For those of us originally from the town, the fight against you, even if it's just me fighting, isn't about superiority or finding out who's better than who, it is about home for me as it is for them. Nobody but you cares about a stupid fucking battle for superiority which is why nobody wants you around.
by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021
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What a pretentious person calls a town.
There are no horses in this town except the ones behind fences. This is not your one horse town, you don't own the place because you're not even from here originally.
by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021
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