Using marijuana to keep one's self from drinking alcohol if one is a recovering alcoholic.
Friend 1: "Dude I've been off the booze for like 6 months now I'm feeling fucking great"
Friend 2: "Man you were always so hammered, I thought that you could never quit. How did you do it?"
Friend 1: "Daily marijuana maintainance, bro"
by AA_Stoner April 26, 2006
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Doctor: I think you are suffering from a severe case of Marijuana Addiction...

Patient: Huh?
by Kamnit February 24, 2010
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When you are with your girl you have girl take a bong hit with the bong between your legs
Rob pretends his bong is his dick and his girl sara take a hit of said bong that's a mother fucking marijuana blowjob
by Billykid0923 January 18, 2014
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High quality marijuana for medicinal use grown by experienced growers AKA "Stoners that know wtf they are doing" and sold to what are called "med. clinics, the clinic, cannabis club, etc" Alot of people think Medical marijuana is just government grown marijuana and its fake but, i have news for all you idiots. Its real and, its fantastic. you are missing out.
Ricky: I want some of that medical marijuana. Let's get some hash from THE CLINIC!
Joe: Lets go. im going to get Northern lights hash, God's gift purple and some bubble kush today.
by Ricky M. July 21, 2006
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Two words that contradict each other. See oxymoron.
Marijuana addiction. Tom Petty makes bad music. Faucet ass is an enjoyable experience. What do these statements have in common?

They're false.
by Buffalo Souljah April 21, 2008
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In order for a human to consume enough marijuana to be fatal, they would have to consume nearly 40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them. In contrast, it only requires about 5 to 10 times the amount of alcohol required to intoxicate, to be fatal.
If it requires 3 beers to intoxicate you, it only requires 15 to 30 beers to kill you. However, if it takes you 3 'hits' of marijuana to intoxicate you, it would require 120,000 hits to kill you. Thus, it is virtually impossible to die of a marijuana overdose.
by DaMadToker February 6, 2010
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A natural hemp, herb, weed grown to make one feel high, feel better and even cure sicknesses. When smoked you get a a body buzz or high. Marijuana will make one that smokes it fell high and little loose with in a minute or 2, heavy eyes lids, dry mouth, and a little hungry than usual an hour after the high, tho still high for another hour or so, it is all natural
Marijuana thc is a herb that relaxes the one that comsumes it in any way. Best way that marijuana can be done is by being smoke in a cigarillo or cigaret. Good to have something ready to drink when done. Best time smoke weed is in the mornin before breakfast.
Good to stay busy, or chill after smokin marijuana thc like talking, working, fixing something...
Best to be chillin in the shade, couch, playing video games a good movie, work around the house, working on your dirtbike, quad, go kart, even sports, that is the best way to take the high. Thats how i did it
i personally think it is a controllable substance and recommend it to any one that knows how to smoke marijuana thc.
I do not say it is a party drug, trouble making drug, fight starter, or even gate way drug
never go crazy, act stupid, or even start to trip.
doesnt really mix with alcohol but i rather smoke than drink any day.
Marijuana has never let me to other drugs, or to do crimes
by chris from madera August 17, 2007
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