Person 1: "Koalas are the dumbest animal and I hate them"
Person 2: "Lid"
by Phoney01 November 8, 2022
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One of 2 people in this world who understand that life is a big joke.
Look at those two they are lids.
Or you're acting like a lid
by Lidiot January 21, 2017
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That is a nice lid kid
by Breadmama February 28, 2016
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(sarcasm) Placing a napkin on top of a drink at a bar to indicate that you do not want a ruffie (Rohypnol) put in your drink while it's unattended.

Meant to be said in a sarcastic manner. Clearly this would not stop someone from putting something in your drink. Useful as a way to maintain awareness that you should always watch your drink without sounding like you are someone's mother.

Most often used to indicate to the bartender that the patron will be returning (so they don't throw your drink away) and/or that the seat is occupied. Typically done when a patron is using the bathroom or outside smoking a cigarette.
"I use a ruffies lid to make sure my drink doesn't get ruffied when I'm in the bathroom. This lets the sickos out there know that they shouldn't ruffie my drink, it has a lid protecting it."
by B-rad from Sound-Yo December 9, 2016
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A layer of cheese so thick that it renders the goods underneath indistinguishable.
Margy: "Ah, dang. I left the quiche in the oven too long and burnt the top. Now it's garbage."
Tony: "Don't trash it. Just throw a cheese lid on it and nobody will even know."
by sun dog March 2, 2020
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To unmask a conspiracy of some kind, typically in as grandiose a fashion as humanly possible.
The secret society covered its tracks pretty well, but rest assured that I'll blow the lid off this thing someday. In the meantime, I'll keep wearing my tinfoil hat.
by MalumLibrum958 October 10, 2023
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To quickly cover your face in order to stop a cough, sneeze, or other facial expulsion.
Will was about to sneeze, but he dragged a lid.
by djdole January 26, 2019
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