A word only the gayest of cunts use
Tyler: “hey bro fuck sash is ewwing tonight

Everyone else: “nobody gives a fuck you weirdo”
by Tytikkytokky June 13, 2022
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An excuse when someone is talking for a long time and you want it to stop.
Martin: (talking about some bs for 2 minutes)

Chris: ew did you just fart?

Everyone In The Room: (covers their noses)
by urfacexddddd March 10, 2020
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though they always denies it, they are an ewe squirrel
by willoww33 November 5, 2021
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Something that tends to be rude and for some reason get's an urge to become nude. Is lactose intolerant but that doesn't stop them from having dairy. Usually has an awful smell coming from them that is unbearable. On occasion's may poop their pant's in public, and should probably wear a diaper anywhere it goes. Tend's to be touchy of others, and doesn't understand personal space. Sometimes screams unexpectedly, and make disgusting noises with it's mouth. On the bright side they are fun to be around on the good days.
Uh oh! Megan Ewing pooped it's pants again. Typical.
by coolcat25252525252 November 17, 2018
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An immortal amongst weak puny humans. A true genius whose talent should be more wide acknowledged by both art, graphic art, and movie communities just to name a few. The man places bomb, shocking word uses, horrible twists and mind-bending ideas, concepts in every dialogue panel possible. Yea, you can read, you can follow his steps, but he can punch and grind your brain into a billion pieces by just sitting in a chair and write the scripts. And you be will always be amazed by what comes next although it was very clear hinted in the stories.

Everytime you hold a chapter in your hand, you might think that's the best chapter, and the quality just keep staying in the highest bar, his characters may be below all, but his values and dedication is above all.
Example of use:
Al Ewing
Joe Bennett
Ruy Jose
Paul Mounts

holy crap I just shit my pants reading the lines
by Tomas Buleberto April 10, 2021
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Alshanti L Ewings Jr
High school_ Donald M. Payne SR. TECH

He loves art and is so creative. He loves to learn and talk to others a real team leader. Always have hope, joy and dedication.
by Oudcbi85 February 15, 2023
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a black country way of saying "who won't" which is basically daring someone to do anything
ew woe down this shot of piss
by ew woe boi May 13, 2019
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