An Ivory Anger is an anger that makes your face white out of anger/terror. When you feel terrified and get angry out of it, that's Ivory Anger.
Liam: Why the hell did you kidnap me!? I'll f**king kill you! *Shaking slightly*
Kidnapper: Ah, an Ivory Anger. See those a lot these days.
by LettieIsLesb December 3, 2020
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When you confront somebody who has disrespected/wronged you in some way and instead of being apologetic they act angry.
Victim: "Ouch! Why did you step on my foot?"

Anger-flipper: "Why was your foot there!? How about giving me some freaking space, asshole!"
by Nigel333 July 18, 2013
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v. Organising one's life so as to be first to listen to the new Rolling Stones song or, by extension, any faddish piece of pop culture.

Dude! I can't get married this weekend;: I'll be too totally involved in Anger management.

Court order or peer pressure?
by gnostic3 September 14, 2023
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When you find out that military PT is going to be cross fit that day
I went to PT and they told us we were doing CrossFit, I felt the Angerness arise
by JarheadOpps August 5, 2022
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when something is just so horrible and maddening that you get so angry and envious it feels as if you are in a sauna.
Nelly’s prime throne over looking Nut City soon became a sauna of anger and envy
by susie squirrel March 20, 2009
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when you get so mad you start to burn like an oil refinery in a thunderstorm.
or a tiger on fire. it is the ultimate definition of anger and rage, so much so that you begin breaking walls,
rapidly spouting insults, and turn fully red.
this guy just f---in killed me in cod, i have deep burning anger.
by Naxalite October 13, 2023
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