A pussy fart. (it asked for 20 letters but I can't say pussy fart in twenty letters, mkay?)
Damn, did you hear that bitch queef?
by Tony April 16, 2005
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Damn, Baby, dat Queef smells worse than your tuna melt!
by James Bourne September 6, 2003
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Mom, I think Grandma queefed. Does that mean it's time to pull the plug?
by marcus March 27, 2005
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term used by the new york kids in south park to insult stan, kyle, kenny, and cartman. a fart from the area of the pussy. or, a fart from a guy who's dick is so small that it's a pussy.
"yo, you kids are a bunch 'o fu**in' queefs!" or, "hey pansy, quit queefin' over there!!"
by femme who hardly queefs April 15, 2003
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1. an explosion of vaginal gases
2. vaginal fluttering sounds

There were some small queefs while they were having sex.
by iamamf0668 April 21, 2006
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when lexi acidently farts and periodt blood starts to squirt out while she farts
lexi: GUYS IM ABOUT TO QUEEFE!!!! *squirts pussy blood everywhere*
by ilovejhourneifartqueef990000 January 21, 2022
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