A woman or girl who is a professional victim and will exploit serious issues for attention and sympathy.
Stop pulling a Meghan we all are facing the same issue.
by Piyaano June 30, 2021
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some ginger girl whos hair is greasy and crusty
K-hey you see meghan over thier
R- ya her hair is so greasy
by stanloona3345 March 9, 2022
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Meghans have a weird irrational fear of sauce, especially white ones like ranch, sour cream, or semen. A meghan is most comfortable surrounded by a plethora of gay woman, however is a heterosexual in theory. She fantasizes about Taylor Swift late at night and worries she may accidentally say “T Swizzle” in the bedroom. She more often than not has a yeast infection which greatly affects her quality of life. If you gift her with cream she will be eternally grateful and may even suck your toes.
Girl 1: I’m feeling a bit itchy downstairs.
Girl 2: Oh God, you are such a Meghan!
by LanaDelSlayyyy January 16, 2020
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The most fun, crazy, hilarious, great friend you will meet. Yes she can be a handful, and you will need to help her find the right decisions at times but that's ok because she will always be there for you. No matter what people say about her, she just needs a true friend to be by her side and she will always be by your side, making you feel better, and laugh all night. She is very beautiful, athletic, caring, and helpful, no matter what happens you will want her in your life so don't lose her. Keep her close.
Meghan she's great
by rmarkwalter5 April 30, 2019
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Meghan is strong passing woman, she has 3 secret boyfriend that no one knows about.she loves her best freind and can’t live without her, she also loves her family and McDonald’s is her passion, she is sweet perosn and has a big heart but be careful because she hurt you if you get in her bad side, she has a big smile and always looks out for you if you see a Meghan or girl that looks like a Meghan say hi she will smile and wave
person: is that Meghan
other person: yes she is so nice

person: let’s go be freinds with her
by iamsopretty245 July 23, 2021
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A girl hating on people who post there name on ig from urban dictionary
Damn this girl Meghan always be hating
by Jbvp November 24, 2021
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Very pretty and popular. Everyone wants to be Meghan’s friend. She has probably dated a boy named Rocco at sometime in her life.
I want to be friends with Meghan.
by urfavpersoneverlolhahaha January 13, 2019
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