
To textually raise one's eyebrow as an expression of shock, bemusement, plain amazement or in any 'lost for words' scenario.

Similar to a combination of MSN ^o) and :| and :O, a generally mutli-purpose smiley!

Extreme usage on Active Worlds within SW City as the lingo of choice.

Other alias's are: o_0
Person A: OMG OMG OMG I want to marry you!
Person B: o_0
Person A: 0_o
by Mark Randall January 6, 2005
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An expression of surprise used on Instant Messaging services.
Person One: I got a sex change!
Person Two: 0_o
by Zak September 6, 2003
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bottled up excitement combined with frustration, sarcasm, asian persuasion, and deprivation. all of which are controlled by the cerebellum.
(after their first night together.)
girl: i think i love you.......
guy: yeh once you pop the fun dont stop!
girl: 0_o
by bankie barnes November 3, 2009
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The eBay robot. Built in order to hunt down those that take advantage of e-auctions.
Dude, you better pay the shipping and handling or {0_o} will come and castrate you
by The Almighty Tofu Ninja January 19, 2005
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Some stupid robot that's crazy...But then again >°) is cool3r.
"Chomp ate the crazy robot.
by Chompmeister January 19, 2005
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