um uh okay thats wierd strange
jack said he likes the shape of my toes” “erm”
by ermcentral May 30, 2020
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the sound that a tuckus makes when it pauses to collect its thoughts
Sam: Hey what's up, Jon?
Jon: Erm...nothin'
by Prosciutto Bellino January 18, 2004
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your answer when your kids ask you why you're leaving again
"Erm, mommy, er, is coming back soon, beebee..i love you."
by Krkič April 20, 2019
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"So who are these foreign leaders you calim to have supported you?"

by Proud American April 11, 2004
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Something Steph says when harshly disturbed or shocked. Usually due to Curtis' stupidity, or because he is readjusting his penis. Usually coupled with cruncing into the fetal position.
Me - "PELVIC THRUST!!!>_<"
Steph - "ERM!!!"
by Curtis August 23, 2004
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It's a non-gender specific way to reffer to a guy who looks like a girl or lady resembling a man, most applicable use is for androgynous people
I saw erm go into the family bathroom; so the jury's still out on if they have an innie or an outtie
by Klundamatron6000 February 21, 2018
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