Sigma Male-

The rarest male type. Instead of wasting his precious time interacting with fellow humans, he decides to spend it on investing. The sigma male comes in many different forms.

Type 1: 40+ years old, lives in Dubai with his 18 year old wife he met on a business trip in Sweden. He drives an expensive car, owns a 6 million dollar condo, with the newest iPhone always in possession.

Type 2: The rising sigma
This sigma is between the ages of 14-18. He is so obsessed with investing that he doesn’t even wipe his ass, as it is apparently seen as a sign of weakness to him. He is distanced from everyone around him, and makes sure to check the stock market every time a female passes by him.
Guy 1: ew what the fuck is that smell?

Guy 2: oh it’s Chris over there, the “sigma male”. He doesn’t wash himself so you can smell his chocolate starfish all the way from over here.

Guy 1: that must be why he gets bullied.
by July 18, 2021
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He says he’s the sigma male. Guess he never saw a pussy in his life lol
by ograbson October 13, 2021
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A term used by beta males (redditors and discord mods) that places them at the top of the "social hierarchy" chart, when in reality they're the lowest 1% of the male population
I'm not a beta bro I'm a sigma male
by squid dog 1298 August 20, 2021
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A pseudo-psychological term used by men with inferiority complexes to assert that they are both outside of social hierarchy, but somehow simultaneously on top of it. Based on the false belief that wolves fall, within a state of nature, into a rigid hierarchy of "Alphas", "Betas",, "Gammas", etc., "Sigma Male" is a term used to denote someone who is equal in rank to "Alphas", but has traits common of social rejects with high senses of self worth and narcissism.
-I don't need to go to bed, Mom, the man on YouTube told me that I am a Sigma Male!

-Women keep rejecting me, it can't be that I'm unlikeable or creepy, it must be that I'm a Sigma Male -- so smart and cool, that it makes them anxious.
by NotCringeGuy January 26, 2021
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The newest role that insufferable incels have latched onto as an end-goal. Similar to an alpha male but instead of having sex he is a sociopath who devotes his life to financial success and "the grind" and sacrifices his life on the altar of capital.
Probably wants to live in Dubai or something.
by bigboylefty January 25, 2021
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another lame term for men to use instead of just admitting most people don't like them because they have the social skills of a broken crayon. Y'all are sad lmao
"I'm a Sigma Male"
"Nah you're just unlikable"
by UnholyBussy February 1, 2021
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A coping mechanism invented by a special group of men at the very bottom of the pecking order to delude themselves into thinking that they could make friends if they wanted to, that they could get women if they wanted to, and that they could be the boss, but chose not to. Being a "sigma male" is the lowest a man can sink. If you define "beta males" as "domesticated men", then a "sigma male" is a man who is not only domesticated by society to the point of being unable to express their true thoughts, feelings, desires and interests in fear of being rejected and/or made fun of again, but also, unlike the traditional beta male that is at least to some extent in touch with their reality, "sigma males" delude themselves into thinking that this is not their reality, that they do not care that they're alone and unloved, and that they don't care about social hierarchy, despite them already falling short of this claim just by the fact alone that they're trying to get people to buy into their frame that they're part of this category of "aloof men that are not social rejects but actually looked up to". "Sigma males" commonly completely lack self-awareness, which is also why they don't realize that they're contradicting themselves every time they open their mouth to proclaim their made up definition of themselves, not just by the fact that they do it in the first place, but also with every sentence they say to describe themselves.
"I'm a sigma male, I don't care about social hierarchy, I could be on top of it but I choose to be outside of it because I'm too cool! I'm humble and all women find me sexy, but it's hard for me to find an interest in women because not many women can match me, and beta males wish they could be me but they could never be as cool as me!!"

- "I see, it sounds like you're really doing a lot better these days. :) Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today, but would you like to come in again tomorrow at 6pm?"

"You think they're insufferable now? Just wait until they become self aware, then they'll run around telling you that "they WOULD describe themselves as sigma males, since the definition applies to them, but they don't want to associate themselves with the people that traditionally use the term." "

--See the amount of coping "sigma males" (Thumbs down) triggered by this definition in comparison to other engaged users (Thumbs up) below--
by COPING OMEGALUL April 28, 2021
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