Lowest rank in the Army, Something secret.
by private October 30, 2003
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Not for you to effing touch.
it's MINE.
this journal is PRIVATE


by ThatStarGirl June 8, 2009
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private is something that is not public
A Private School is a Fee Paying School
The middle and upper classes usually send their children to a Private School.
by St. Ias October 29, 2005
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Most commonly known in the role of “private” in the hit documentary penguins of Madagascar. He participated in many special op high pressure missions during this documentary. Most famously known for fucking masterminding the assassination of JFK. He got away with this planned murder unscaved and has earned the infamous title “Og Private”. Now in his old age he lives a causal life in Wisconsin with a loving wife (Mariah Carey) and 4 bitch ass children.
Examples: Did you see private fucking kill JFK
by Fingerbangerwithdadick August 30, 2020
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The lowest enlisted rank in the United States Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force.
Dan joined the Army as a private after high school.
by Nicolaivich January 19, 2004
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Despite its rather fagged out sounding name, real Privateers are basically sea going mercenaries. They were often hired during the Age of Enlightenment to escort merchants and to fight against the Spanish/French/English depending on who they were working for.
omg omg omg wtf hax, that stupid privateer pwned like 4 pirate ships he is teh n00b haxor!
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