1) The act of shooting your load into your partners mouth and hitting the back of the throat with a high velocity. Almost as if it was getting blown out the back of their head. Hence the name.
by Slang master April 26, 2016
a.k.a. "The Magic Bullet" - Have a girl wear a blindfold while she is giving you head. At the same time, have a friend sneak in behind her and pleasure himself behind her. Both of you let 'em rip at the same time and nail the skank with goo from both sides of her head. She will always question if there was a second shooter or it was just a magic load.
I think my boyfriend had a friend of his help him JFK me last night. But he insists on a "single bullet theory."
by Saint Sean October 2, 2007
1.) John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 35th president of the United States of America. Considered to be one of the greatest presidents ever due to his work on civil rights. Was the fourth president assassinated (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy).
2.) Just fucking kidding. Variation of JK
2.) Just fucking kidding. Variation of JK
1.) JFK's assassination has many parallels to the Lincoln assassination.
2.) dude ur a fucking fag! jfk!
2.) dude ur a fucking fag! jfk!
by DTslashDT February 20, 2010
John Fitzgerald Kennedy or JF Kennedy for short.
The 35th president of the United States. He was elected in 1961 and then assassinated in 1963.
New York International Airport is known as John F. Kennedy International Airport and it's referred to as JFK.
The 35th president of the United States. He was elected in 1961 and then assassinated in 1963.
New York International Airport is known as John F. Kennedy International Airport and it's referred to as JFK.
by jimmybone d April 21, 2008
When you turn over a shot glass, fill it with tequila, and then snort it. It gets the name JFK because it is a shot to the head like the assasination of President John F Kennedy.
by N8224 July 27, 2016