these things that r called 'human' 'girls' which makes my stick rise
*me walking in school* * i see a nice looking girl* *my weeenee goes up*
by The garfoldio August 28, 2005
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A girl who will grasp a man's penis and inserts it in her vagina during sex rather than have the man perform the act of penetration
Moon, "I went out with this chic, Julie last night"
Joe, "was she a nice girl?"
Moon, "What do you mean?"
Joe, "Did she put it in for ya?"
Moon, laughing...... "Hell yeah.... She's a nice girl."
by bigrebone October 10, 2007
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A girl with awful facial features and you wouldnt want sex with
"What of you think of sarah?"
"She's a nice girl"
by tidily July 11, 2008
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An otherwise completely normal and sweet girl who is a bit of a slut when it comes to her sexlife.
Person 1: Wow, do you know that girl Jennifer? I've heard she's dirty in the bedroom!
Person 2: Really?! But doesn't she get really good grades and volunteers at the animal shelter?
Person 1: Yeah, dude. She's a total nice girl slut.

"I want to marry a nice girl slut one day!"
by CosmicBanana April 26, 2014
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we have 2 types of nice lets talk to the girls first

nice girl: a girl who likes to help other and be kind to other and isnt selfish

Nice girl:a girl who thinks she better (like everyone girl in their first year in highschool) then everyone in this planet her man mostly starts with a E and B and P and M they also think that when a guy rejects her and goes with another girl she starts saying : ugh why doesnt Jake love me ugh it because she has a bigger boobs and bootie guys are so stupid. Also when they do get a guy to like them she starts treating him like trash and when the boy leave she goes on a rant on twitter saying how he cheated on him her friend want to play true or dare all the time

nice guy: same with the nice girl a nice person who only wants to be kind to other and wish to not hurt others

Nice guy: people who use kindness for sex these people only want sex they try to be kind to girls to get sex they be kind to other to get stuff they dont go on rant on twitter then they get rejected they use the OmG SHe hurT Me card and when they Do get a girl they alway talk about himself and sex his friends just talk about who has a bigger butt they mostly start with a J K O or Z you can find these people in highschool or on twitter talking about how great he is and when he see the girl he like with his parents he pull the Nice guy act which means he talks about how pretty she is and how her parent
Nice guy and Nice girl

by YAY_fucktheinternet January 29, 2021
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A common delusion afflicting the self-styled "nice girl" (who may be either male or female), which consists of the mistaken belief that he/she is soooo superior to the "great unwashed" masses that he/she is excused from the indignity of being subject to the same natural bodily functions as the rest of us. One specific sense of the word denotes sexual frigidity -- i.e., "nice girls" don't have orgasms; they only submit to sexual intercourse in order to fulfill their duty to God and Country.
The girl acts as though she had a Tastee Freez dispenser up her butt. Pretends the thought of having sex has never entered her mind. Yeah, right, and nice girls shit ice cream.
by Dinkum July 8, 2013
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