The woman who loves you unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on above everyone else.

Just telling her your problems makes you feel better because mom's always know how to make it all go away.

Even if you fight, know that she's just looking out for your best interests.
Where would you be without your mom?
by j0813 January 9, 2005
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She is the best woman in the entire world. Although she can sometimes get on your nerves, and will sometimes fight with her, you love her with all your heart.
But if you miss a call from your mom, get ready to go to the Gulag.
by Master Of Nations December 6, 2020
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someone who gave birth to you.
by Santa November 26, 2002
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one that teaches respect
mom mom taught me to always call my waiters by their first name, because it shows that you respect them
by mmbff May 17, 2010
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The constant flow of cash and ass whoopings until the age of 18.
Dude my mom kicked my ass when I blew snot all over her new dress.
by jdoggydog July 23, 2003
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One who gives birth to you and has to care and nurture your stupid ass until you are 18 or 40.You will never know.
The most used comeback.
Dave: Hey, what are you doing this summer, Jeff?
Jeff: Your mom *laughs like a dumbass*.
Dave: Idiot...
by Es34 May 7, 2008
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