Where the fuck is Dave Griffith with my food

Where the fizzle id Dizzle Grizzle with my fizzle
by Rizzle to the mizzle May 24, 2003
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The lint that hangs out in your chota or grundel.
Man I have some serious grizzle in my grundel.
by Anonymous July 10, 2003
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1.Any dirt or grease left behind.
2.An insult.
1. Dude, clean up that grizzle that you left on the stove!
2. Jack you are such a grizzle!
by Arah Wingspike October 29, 2005
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Hey grizzle, go stick your head in the toilet because thats where it belongs.
by fo shizzle May 25, 2003
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When your boyfriend spends two years on another planet he may come back bigger and stronger but also quite grizzled
''Are you sure your not his bigger, cooler, grizzled older brother''
by bitchassrubberneck June 18, 2018
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A slightly gay term to describe your boyfriend who came back from a foreign planet 2 years later. He may have arrived taller, cooler, and grizzled. You may mistake him for his secret twin brother.
How do we know you're the real Keith and not his taller, cooler, and grizzled twin brother?
by Connor_murphy_7 July 17, 2018
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When you half galra boyfriend comes back with his mom from being on a planet for two years and he is way hotter
How do we know you are the real Keith and not his bigger cooler grizzled older brother-Lance McClain
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