A beautiful creature, has a colorful lovelife and wild sex life.
I saw Camelle, and I want to greet her Happy Birthday!
by Brokenheads September 14, 2019
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A person who sits in a middle of a bench during a game, getting no time and drinks all the water
#5 is just sitting there doing nothing... what a camel
by milly32232 July 14, 2011
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That camel is going to steal your soul while you watch.
by Awesome Opossum Sauce Inc. January 23, 2014
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Someone who is always thirsty no matter what. Like a camel that takes a really long time to finish drinking water from an oasis, the person called a camel suffers from the same length required to quench their thirst.
It doesn't matter if they've just had sex recently, they'll never be satisfied and will want to do it again, and again...and again.

This can also apply to someone who can't stop talking about sex and how much they wanna fuck people.
I.E #1
Beth: Come on Babe, let's fuck again. I have an itch I want to scratch!👄

Jerry: What!? But we just had sex a half hour ago. What the fuck!

Beth: I know, but I wanna do it again. I wanna ride your cock like a rollercoaster. Come on, get on me and pound the fuck out of me.

Jerry: Jesus. Bitch, you're a fucking camel!

I. E #2

Josh: Damn, Kim Kardashian has a big ol Badonkadonk, I'd like me some of that.

Julia: Oh. OK. Cool.

Josh: How about that Nicki Minaj, eh? She's packing heat too. I'd like to slither my anaconda in her buns if you know what I mean.

Julia: Okay man, I get it. Jeez.

Josh: I'd give Arianna Grande the Banana Madr-

Julia: DUDE, JUST FUCKING STOP. Seriously, go masturbate or get laid, just PLEASE stop telling me this nasty ass shit, you fucking camel!
by Giga Donkey Dick September 17, 2016
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Best cigarette out there, robust and flavorful yet smooth. However, most black people tend to not like them for some reason.
Camel is the preferred cigarette brand of Allah himself.
by Chernorizets Hrabr November 21, 2004
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When a girl gives you oral pleasure and spits the ejaculatory fluids on you
You broke up with susie?
Yea, everything was cool till she Cameled me in my eye.
by X-Factor April 6, 2005
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