87 definitions by Chernorizets Hrabr

Should seperate North Jersey and South Jersey into two different states, because many things about them are totally different.

South Jersey: Home of wannabe-Italians, suburbs, overwhelming white majority, farmland, lots of Philly influence (more Flyers fans here than in Philly), close proximity of convenience stores, Pine Barrens, tourist attractions, popular beaches, AC, malls.

North Jersey: Everything in Jersey that was cool about 30 years ago (Asbury Park, Hoboken, etc), more racially diverse, urban, older-looking than South Jersey, lots of New York influence, high pollution, and the stereotypical nasal accent... overall, just looks more depressing.
Most insults directed at New Jersey apply only to North Jersey.
by Chernorizets Hrabr July 16, 2004
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The latest trend in metal music... if you want to call it that. Metalcore is a genre crossbreed of heavy metal and hardcore that claims to be better than its nu-metal predecessors, which in some ways is true. However, metalcore is bad in it's own right. For example, every metalcore band sounds exactly the same, and god forbid the lead singers actually try to "sing" for once instead of the usual incoherent bad screaming. Metalcore is also unappealing and unlistenable to all but a small audience of devoted fans, as the songs lack any real hooks which keeps it from getting too mainstream, a double-edged sword. Metalcore has its ups, however; most metalcore bands are at least twice as talented as their nu-metal counterparts (instrumentally) and lacks the annoying rap aspect of said music. Heavy Metal fans should own at least one decent metalcore CD from bands like "Down the Sun" or "Sinai Beach", if only for the sake of being obnoxious and blasting it in your car with the windows down.
by Chernorizets Hrabr June 2, 2005
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Slang term used for a menu item with a non-english name. Favored by drones who want to order gourmet coffee without the hassle and brainwork of being mentally able to pronounce such complex foreign words as "dieci" or "latte".
Idiot: Huh... is that French, or is it Italian? Perhaps it's Fritalian. Ha!

Normal Person: The only thing dumber than not being able to pronounce 'mocha' is complaining about it and wanting it translated to English.
by Chernorizets Hrabr March 6, 2008
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See non-existant. Bisexuality is a myth; a fable, if you will. The term refers to a fantasy orientation in which a man or woman is physically attracted to both genders, however, these so-called bisexuals will only be seen dating members of one sex and occassionaly hooking up with the other. This is done by attention whores.

Women who consider themselves bisexual are actually:
A.) So undesirable and irritating to be around that they have to hook up with other women as a last ditch effort for attention.
B.) Dikes.

Men who consider themselves bisexual are actually:
A.) Gay.

Bisexuals can typically be found at Hot Topic or at lame emo/hardcore shows.
Robin: Guy's think it's pretty hot that I'm a bisexual.

Alex: You're bi? Where's your girlfriend?

Robin: Well, I have a boyfriend. I don't have a girlfriend right now...

Alex: Have you ever?

Robin: Uhh, no... but I DID kiss another girl at a party the other night.

Alex: Riiiiiiigght.
by Chernorizets Hrabr February 17, 2008
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Tobacco tightly rolled into smokable paper. Smoking cigarettes on occassion (1-3 a day) or just socially is OK and not very harmful. Smoking a pack or even half a pack in a day is a sign that you need help. Some people love to preach about cigarettes and give you a lot of shit if they see you smoking one because they want to seem smart, or because they're little sXe virgins who are bitter about denying themselves the occassional pleasure. A popular insult to smokers is, "Yeah, YOU'RE cool..." causing the smoker to break the face of the preteen goth-punk who said it and use his eyes as an ashtray.

In my opinion, Camel Turkish Golds are the best cigarettes around, the worst being Newports or anything menthol. Marlboros are decent. Parliaments are overrated. USA's, though not great, are good in a pinch when you forgot your wallet and only have the change laying around your car.
Cigarettes are nice here and there, but one of those things you just can't overdo.
by Chernorizets Hrabr August 10, 2004
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A sort-of punk rock band that was good but not extremely popular until recently, when thousands of teenyboppers found out about them on TRL, believing their newest and worst CD to date to be "teh bset". Now every fourteen year old in the country rants about how great Boulevard of Broken Dreams is and are known to exclaim things such as "OMG BILLY JOE IS HAWT!!!1" and "DONT WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT!!12". Their new CD is mediocre at best, so please listen to their other albums instead.
The typical Green Day "fan" has never heard of Nimrod or Kerplunk, but totally eats up the new pop-punk garbage.
by Chernorizets Hrabr March 16, 2005
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The guy that my fellow Americans should have voted for, but apparently they don't have enough common sense to see what kind of damage is being done to our country by the divisive two-party system. An honest and real candidate who cares about domestic concerns that Bush and Kerry seem to have forgotten about in favor of fear-mongering, focusing on the so-called "threat" of terrorism.
Ralph has my vote, no matter the odds!
by Chernorizets Hrabr November 3, 2004
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