Used as a verb, "truthed" reflects the telling of someone information that the individual is relectant to hear. When an individual is told information about themselves that is often embarassing or information about which the individual is in denial, they are being "truthed."
Everybody knew the that Mike smelled rank, but they were afraid to say something. I truthed him.
by Truthed July 1, 2009
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Something unknowable that is.
The truth is that the table is six feet long. Actually, the table is 6 feet 1mm long. Actually it's decreasing in size due to natural decay at a measurable rate of 1mm per decade. Actually, the truth of the matter is that we can't even get accurate figures on the table. Actually, we could accidentally get accurate figures on the table, but not know them as a perfect thought. Actually we could know everything about the table incidentally, although that would require a better definition of knowing. Maybe.
by unregistered salad September 28, 2011
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The comeback you use when someone responds to your statement with "lies!"
Guy: I hate you a little right now

Girl: Lies!!!!

Guy: Truths!!!!!!!!
by thifdikjhjdks April 16, 2010
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Something which would probably upset a great many of people if it were known and made public.
Truthfully speaking, most people have no idea of what the truth actually is.
by Super Gerbil July 12, 2004
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Something many people obstinately believe to be fact -- even when disproved.
The flood myth is a truth many cannot live without believing
by Luddz January 31, 2015
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The absence of doubt
A: I undoubtedly told her what happened
B: The truth?
A: Always.
by alcermalock April 13, 2010
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Nickname of Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics.

Coined by Shaq after Paul put up an impressive performance.

Shaq: Paul Pierce is the motherfucking Truth.
The Truth glides through the lane for an impressive layup.
by aliendave February 3, 2005
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