When you get your dick sucked by a fat ugly rabbit with curly hair, also known as finker.
Big Sushi: "Yo man, that rabbit had me finked as hell"

Ian: "Wow"
by Ian Meindl September 27, 2018
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An illiterate pronunciation of the word "Think". Usually, someone of low socio economic background tend to use the letter "F" in all words spelt the letters "TH". There are also other words which are commonly used by such people. (Bruva)= Brother,(Wiv)= With. The list goes on.
Wat are ya finkin bout? Me bruva finks you feeved his holden an vat. Viss is heaps good ahy.
by finker September 30, 2006
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When someone acts faggoty, evasive, secretive, hostile and sneaky, they are a Fink. This is someone you don't want to associate with, but you don't want to fuck with either. Finks are known to be sly, deceptive, and powerful in certain ways. If there was a zombie apocalypse, a fink would be the smartest, strongest, faggiest zombie. If there were a zombie apocalypse however, you would want to find a human fink to be on your side so you don't get finked in the ass.
Jesus H Christ Kevin, you are such a fucking fink when we play NHL. Next time you fink out I'm going to put our a cigarette on your fucking forehead.
by cjh949383282132312351 October 23, 2011
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The tapered end of a shit caused by the asshole closing.
"That turd was 18 inches long from heel to fink!"
by TMOUS May 10, 2006
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A loveable trickster who wins affection through his/her mischevious antics.
"Oh, John Perry, did you urinate in my soda? You little fink!"
by Smalls April 5, 2005
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A person who goes to the authorities and tattles on another person.

A tattler.

A snitch.

A stoolie.

A canary.

A squealer.

In short, a person beneath contempt.
Martha is a contemptable fink. She is the boss's eyes and ears, and reports people who come back from lunch 2 minutes late.
by Cap'n Bullmoose September 24, 2007
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