n. The use of false racism to earn clout or attack bystanders
That smollett almost ruined the bakery's owners.
by Suya October 30, 2022
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The act of pretending to be a victim of a racially motivated assault perpetrated by a bigot.
Smolletts are victims of bigots.
Don't be insensitive to smolletts. They're so damaged, they have to fabricate crimes against them for sympathy.
by Pseudosius June 30, 2020
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P.U.! What stinks? My lil smollett needs his diaper changed.
by Ahandphul April 2, 2019
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One who stages a scenario in order to gain either positive recognition and/or sympathy, usually at the expense of anyone but themselves and/or their friends. See also Jussie Smolletted.
Yo, that dude got an award for his work on the case and we all got reprimanded. He didn’t do shit.

What can we say? He Jussie Smolletted us.

They’re letting you go? You gotta Jussie Smollett them.
by Bide_01 February 21, 2019
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When a guy beats your dick so hard, he has to lie to the world.
Police: Sir, did you beat this guys dick and pour bleach on it?
Suspect: No way, man. I would never give a Jussie Smollett!
by Gaysofthunder69 February 5, 2019
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A metaphone describing the act of falsifying a hate crime against one self for the sake of publicity, personal, and/or financial gain.

Named after actor Jussie Smollett, who was was charged with falsifying a hate crime against himself.
"He vandalized his own car and blamed it on a white supremacist, is he pulling a Smollett?"
by V-Star February 22, 2019
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A current day Narcissus, that like the original, will drown and die thanks to his egocentrism.
To go to any extreme in order to get attention without thinking of the potential consequences.
Trevor Noah: Jussie Smollett deserves an Emmy for 'GMA' interview
by Professor grandmaster G February 20, 2019
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