
\ ˈjəssē \ (verb)

To perpetrate a patently ludicrous hoax for the purpose of race-baiting.
Fatiha claimed three white guys urinated on her mother in broad daylight because they didn’t like her Niqab. She jussied all over Twitter.
by Green Gordon June 10, 2020
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To promote a bigoted lie about conservative Americans that faithfully supports the liberal narrative while being so transparently false that only the stupidest of the people pushing it actually believe it.
Don’t Let Liberals Jussie You!
by xXNigerianTrumpFanXx February 21, 2019
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A fraudulent claim of misfortune or personal tragedy to official authorities for the purpose of sympathy and/or personal gain.
Person 1: "The guy lied when he said he was the victim of a hate crime!"
Person 2: "Yup. He pulled a Jussie."
by ScribeLight February 23, 2019
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(verb) To create an elaborate scheme to victimize oneself for self-benefit.
Person 1: I want to be an A-list actor.

Person 2: Why not just jussie?

Person 1: I can't believe I fell for that publicity stunt.

Person 2: Dude, you've just been jussied.
by galeontiger February 25, 2019
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The hottest fully sik wog in this whole world!!! i wanna fuk her soooooooooooooooo hard!!!
Jussie has the most sex appeal that any wog could ever have! give it to me now!!!
by spiro September 8, 2004
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That Jussie causes problems everytime someone isn't stroking their ego.
by Ahandphul April 2, 2019
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A male that can produce juice from his nipples.
The Jussie gave me a glass of juice.
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