A nasty term usually given by jealous men to women who are highly sexed and not satisfied by one man.
Men are not called slutty, just players or studs.
Madonna was called slutty years ago, but she just had a strong sex drive.
by John Thek April 7, 2006
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Tasty, incredibly succulent, dripping with juices. Just as a slutty women provides extreme pleasure for all senses, so does slutty food.
"That was the sluttiest sandwich"
"Damn, that BB Riser(breakfast sandwich) was slutty."
by West House '06 May 31, 2006
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to be drunk and misbehaving, usually only said in England by dumb American bitches from Lebanon county.
my friend was so "slutty"she had her leg up on the fence making out with a hot german guy

we drank so much wine we were "slutty"
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The Scum of the Earth - Pathetic Young woman aged between 12 and 29 who dress in sexually explicit clothes (mini skirts, knee boots), fuck one guy, dump him the next morning when shes sober, and move on to the next guy, These Bitches can be found at places such as Rain Bar, The Hut, The Grumpy Mole and Flashbacks - In fact any bar anywhere in the World, They are pathetic attention whores and are considered the archcriminal of the planet and need to be tied to the towbark of a pick up truck and driven around a rugby field until they expire, stoned to death with broken bricks, or tied to a goalpost and shot via firing squad.
Slutty - Kelly Howard that whore that hangs out at Flashbacks
by Brother Number One May 29, 2005
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A girl that tends to wear low-cut clothing and looks as if she's trying to get guys to stare
"Rosetta's short-skirt and tank-top is so slutty! You should never talk to her again!"
by theladywiththewords August 5, 2019
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slutty is what an ugly girl stereotypes a pretty girl.
Ugly Girl: omg, i love her hair.She's soo beautiful! She's so slutty!
by Patty:) November 15, 2008
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An adjective used to describe the amount of pollen (aka: "tree spooge", "plant jizz", "tree jizz") that sticks to individual cars.
Brian: Jeez Bob, And i thought my car was slutty!
Bob: Yeh, mine turns pure yellow in the spring.
by niwa_daisuke April 7, 2009
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