Derogatory term used for the musical genre combining pop and punk (also known as pop punk). Bands like Simple Plan, Good Charlotte and Blink 182 all fall into the Ponk category. Similarly, people who listen to Ponk can be called Ponkers.
"I'm sick of hearing that Ponk crap on the radio"
by Elizabeth Carr October 29, 2005
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Any hair color that is not pink. Most commonly used to describe hair that was pink previously but no longer is.
"Her hair used to be pink. Now it's ponk."
by Rain Shomet September 17, 2007
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a young girl who eats dinner with her brother, cousins, and cousin's friend.
stop actin all cute, PONKK!
by RachelBrynne August 22, 2007
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The art of trying to have sex with your step sister
Yo my g I just ponked my sister
Ponking is great Ponking is fun Ponking is for everyone
by ilybiageslyb October 26, 2019
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Coined by, or at least first recorded in, the works of British author P. G. Wodehouse ca 1923, ponk is an intransitive verb meaning, basically, that something sucks or is really, really crappy.

Wodehouse began using the word in the 1920s when Jazz Age slang was all the rage in England. It is spoken in Series 1, Episode 4 of the BBC comedy, "Blandings," adapted from Wodehouse's "Blandings Castle" book series, 1915-1975.
George, a lad: "Jeepers. Who is this blister?"
Baxter: "I am your tutor, young man.
George: "Tutor? In the summer holidays? Crikey, that ponks."
Connie, George's aunt: "Clarence, have you no authority over this child?"
Clarence, George's uncle: "Well, it does ponk."
by rethinker April 20, 2019
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A word that is very versatile. Verb, noun, adjective. In its true form, a ponk is a situation that is of unfathomable hilarity (also known as "lolz"). There may also be a delicious twist of irony that accompanies the event (or may accompany the description of an event). The act of ponking is universal and may be related to "pwning" or "owning." If Ashton Kutcher were to make a new television show, it would be called "Ponked."

Ponking or the event of a ponk often results in a significant amount of QQing or TTing. A ponk is often the consequence of a GG.

Conjugated and various forms include: ponked, ponkyed, ponky, ponking, ponks, ponkage
As a noun,

Me: Remember when we were about to sign a lease to that house?
You: Then some bitches signed in front of us? Yeah.
Me: What a ponk.

As a verb,

Me: Dude, remember that crazy landlord?
You: Yeah we are about to ponk the shit out of her.
Me: That's what she gets for getting us to try to sign a lease without seeing a house.

As a an adjective,

Me: That house over there is very ponky.
You: Seriously.
by DewDew54 February 23, 2010
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The inappropriate fondling of a younger person, male or female. Female ponkers usually become cougars.
Sarah is ponking James in the bathroom again.
by sean75 April 18, 2009
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