Someone who wishes that they were a real boy
Trans-sexuals are modern day Pinocchio's.
by Richard_Carmicheal November 19, 2007
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A sexual game played between a couple. Where in most case's the female would sit on the male's face allowing his nose to go into the sphynxter. While indulging in this activity the male can proceed to tell lies and his nose grows allowing more pleasure for the female, elimating the thought of lying not being a good thing to do.
Come here baby lets play Pinocchio.. You sit on my face, I tell lies, its lots of fun!..
by The Notebook October 6, 2005
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A girl or guy that has a really big nose, either because of genes, or because they lie too much. Other words for them can be: Pino, Pinocone, Ronald Reagan, Pinny, Big Nose, Liar Liar, etc.
President Ronald Reagan was the king of all pinocchios.
by not found [Error 404] January 10, 2009
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1. A person who becomes Prime Minister through the transom (l'imposte)
2. A male Prime Minister who is "wife-like," acting as the submissive partner in his relationship
3. Also a nickname for the Prime Minister of Mauritius - Pravin Jugnauth
Paul: Hey Anerood, your son is such a Pinocchio
Anerood: Yes
by Pinok July 27, 2023
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The most terrifying Disney movie of all time.
A wooden child gets abducted into slavery, exploited by Satan, turned into an ass, eaten by a whale, and somehow turns into a real boy at the end. Must be Pinocchio.
by God_help_me January 6, 2023
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anything a human brain can imagine
yo! look at that pinocchio.
Hey man do you want to pinocchio tonight?
I just pinocchio'd that guy
by thejawneaterBBS September 22, 2022
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