When two assholes try to out-asshole each other in an Internet bitch fight.
"If your statement was never supposed to be read as anything more than a synonym for 'Russia is not good and not our friend' then sorry for being comparably pedantic, I guess.
by JormanThoad February 24, 2017
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The words Peter Griffin uses to describe things while he is a genius, much to the annoyance of Bryan Griffin
This meat is shallow and pedantic.
Lois, your cooking is shallow and pedantic.
by Carter Ball January 1, 2008
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When a man critiques/criticizes a small detail of something a woman has said or done and mansplains at her about it, either "correcting" her or shaming her for being "incorrect" somehow. Importantly, the gendered nature of the interaction indicates he would not have made any comment, or would have been less rude about it, if the woman were, in fact, a man. Bonus points if there are examples of other errors, or more egregious ones, by men in the same situation at that moment (i.e. comments on a discussion forum or a group of people talking).
Anne says, "I have only the best vegetables in my basket!" Tom says, "So do I! Look at these ripe tomatoes we both have!" Roger points at Anne and says, "Anne, don't you realize tomatoes are fruits? There are tomatoes in your basket, so you can't say you have only vegetables in your basket, now can you?" Anne says, "Wow, Roger, what a great example of pedantic sexism! I love how you go after me about tomatoes, when I wasn't even the person to mention them!"
by NerdFighterForAwesome December 3, 2013
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Some thing smart to say if you are Petarded. Commonly said by a person who watches family guy. Said to piss someone off.
This meat loaf is shallow and pedantic- Peter Griffin
You:You're shallow and pedantic
Someone: STFU!!!
by W.I.P. January 13, 2009
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1. A person that invites himself to lecture you about anything and everything but in reality is a complete dumb-ass.

2. Much like an idiot savant, the idiot pedant really is an idiot.
After Eric decided to give us the three-hour lecture on golfing, that was completely wrong, he just cemented the fact that he’s an idiot pedant.
by Karlsmash August 19, 2019
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A Saturday characterized by extremely pedantic behavior. (Note: Derives from the popular Univision program, "Sabado Gigante!")
M.: Did you read today's Bob Herbert column?

S.: Actually, it came out yesterday.
M.: What is this, Sabado Pedante?
by JoJo41 November 8, 2009
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A term used to mock someone who claims to be a genius but really isn't. Particularly used on people who use longer versions of certain words.
""""smart"""" guy: I do agree that the administration whom committed 9/11 should be exterminated from our earth as quickly as needs be.
Some other guy: I agree, they are shallow and pedantic.
""""smart"""" guy: Ah yes, as if someone who quotes family guy can use the same vocabularly I use.
Some other guy: Yes, shallow and pedantic.
by True christ February 20, 2018
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