Noun. (Douche + Noob= Noosh)

A person who is usually described as, 'stupid', 'annoying', 'clueless'; related to the noun, 'Tool'. A noosh can be a male or female. A Noosh will tend to be immature.
Chase thought eating chapstick would make his penis larger, what a NOOSH.
by Paris Hilton (MOB THICK) January 21, 2010
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abby wise: * poke* Instead of sayin POKE ill say NOOSH!
by abby wise March 27, 2008
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The expression "Hyneama-Noosh!" suggests to instantly disappear just as the legendary Halloween creature is known to do. The origin dates from "The Legend of the Hyneama-Noosh", which reveals the spooky antics of a clownish scarecrow, best known for smashing pumpkins, and having a talent for vanishing into thin air.
"You’d better "Hyneama-Noosh" and get the eggs I need to bake this cake!"

"Hyneama-Noosh!, Hyneama-Noosh!...What are you waiting for? Go!"

"Thanks for visiting. Now Hyneama-Noosh so I can have some peace and quiet tonight!"
by The Spectacled Eider October 18, 2016
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n. A severe genital itch. Usually refers to an itch around the female vagina but may also apply to a burning itch in the grundle area of the male. Such an itch may be soothed while in public by discreetly walking side to side as to scratch the affected area with underpants or adjacent area of skin.
Andy, I have such an intense noosh itch right now and I don't know what to do!
by Andrewski July 23, 2006
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A word to mean a noob plus a doosh.

Larry: Did you see tom crash his brand new Acura into the lake?
Johnny: Yeah, what a noosh!
by labstar February 6, 2009
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