Guacamole nigga penis is when a nigga stick his penis in guacamole and cum and gives it to a girl named Brie
by Guacamoleniggapenis January 12, 2019
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a dirty, grimy, smegma infested, uncircumcised dick.
person 1: did you know that zander has a guacamole nigga penis?
person 2: really?

person 1: yeah he needs to clean that shit bad.
by thiccniggaappreciation March 28, 2019
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When you jerk off with guacamole as lube. Because you're too poor
Guacamole nigga penis
by Whoofh October 22, 2019
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When your boy jamal takes your monster dong and smothers it in spicy guacamole.
Damn bro, jamal really covered up my whole dong last week, my massive schlong was burning the whole night. He gave me the whole guacamole nigga penis experience.
by Lmao guacamole is negro December 10, 2019
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When you just tryna nigga guacamole penis randomly. Usually used without context. Not to be confused with nigga guadalupe penis
Bill: Hey man, I want to talk to you about something serious. I've been feeling unwanted in life and think I'd be better off dead.
Pichael: Guacamole nigga penis
Bill: what?
Pichael: i mean... guacamole nigga penis..
by X ‍ April 21, 2019
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When a -typically someone who tries to achieve social justice and is identified as an SJW (social justice warrior), person tries to dictate what other people say and completely wants to get rid of the context behind a saying; also someone who generally opposes politically incorrect comedy.
Random child celebrity on twitter: I don't care whether you're reading To Kill a Mockingbird out to your class or not, if you say the n-word you're RACIST!

Random intellectual in the comments: Guacamole nigga penis
by authorised writer June 21, 2020
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