The worst movie ever made. Period. Filled with stupid jokes and lines that teenagers can go repeat around school all day and think they're funny.
I wanted a refund after seeing Napolean Dynamite.
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Well he is really kool, but damn, when you have faggot ass bitches doing the catch phrases from the movie al the time its gets so annoying, and you think to your self, once again someone ruined a good blockbuster film!
Guy: hey Napolen hand me some of your tots

Napolean: no go find your own

Guy: i said give me some

Napolean: no i havent ate all freaking day

(guy smashes his pockets whick was full of tator tots)

Napolean: god you freakin suck!
by James franks the 3rd January 30, 2005
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horrible movie. the perfect sleeping pill. it's an innsominac's dream come true!
mannn, its so late but im not tired...oh i know! ill put napolean dynamite on!
by screw u bitch March 13, 2005
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One of the most boring,gay,annoying, and most pointless movie ever made.Most of its dumbass phrases are quoted by fat girls that love the movie and have no brains, and gay people.
Some Fat Bitch: I didnt mean to, gosh.
by Sotel April 28, 2005
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the best frickin movie ever made ....gosh!! if u havnt seen it ur the only 1
gime some tots napolean!!
gosh napolean ur brusin my neck meet
uncle rico u retard
comon tina u fat!!!
a liger probably my favorit animal a cross between a tiger and a lion with
some magical powers
i built u a cake
i just saw napolean dynamite and its the best flipin movie ever
by loop February 26, 2005
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the most boring mov9ie ever made because it was made by those fucks at MTV who used to rock but now suck at music, shows, and movies.
I'd rather read the dictionary five times over than watch napolean dynamite.
by Jin Kazama February 21, 2005
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Is about a teenager who isn't so dynamite in his universe. But in the real world he's the funniest loser ever. One could categorize this with some of the best teen movies ever (16 candles, The Breakfast Club, etc.)

The movie has no set time. The time is Peluca, Idaho. It's a movie about a teen going through obstacles and going through more obstacles, which become the funniest PG movie I've seen.

*Wait until after the credits, for a funny scene
Uncle Rico: I bet you I could throw over those mountains!
by Christopher Ess July 17, 2005
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