a male in the profession of nursing. Male + Nurse = Murse
My son has been working as a Murse for several years now.
by mebriwn June 30, 2005
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Ryne and Jeremy are going to school to become murses.
by jrook68 April 1, 2011
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A murder-purse. Used for carrying body parts after a murder.
Hey Jack, Did you burn the murse after last nights job.
by Dirty Dav3 February 5, 2007
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Simply put, its a purse for men.
"hey, does that guy have a murse?!? Weird."
by johnny spoons October 8, 2007
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when someone is angry, vexed or pissed off.
by Billy Doyle February 2, 2006
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a bag usually carrried around by men but not worn on the back. It usually resembles a large purse. Sometimes refered to as a fag bag.
Matt why do you have eyeliner and Panties in your Murse.
by joe Scott February 5, 2008
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a purse for a man
I went to the mall and they were have a sale on murses
by Squeakums July 13, 2008
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