Usually a word meant to imply high levels of intoxication, "muller," when applied to one who is of or nearly of a personal substance-free attitude, can be also construed to mean "one who is a disappointment."
He was looking to really come into his own in the near future, but pulled a muller, and tanked considerably.
by ppxloller December 10, 2010
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To be absolutely off your face on drink and drugs, derived from the Yoghurt manufacturer Muller, after people (mostly gimps) used to go round sayin Creamed, Creamed turned to Mullered
" I was fackin mullered on friday night in the club, I was so facked that I started usin cockney words like Mullered "
by John Gaskell October 27, 2005
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Being calmly intoxicated to a near paralytic level. Generally through the aid of alcohol.
Twinkle Face: Bored still, what you doing?
Petal Cheeks: Little...
Twinkle Face: Want to get muller?
Petal Cheeks: Okay!
by Jig Jigabang June 3, 2009
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How one feels after taking a lot of ecstacy and / or amphetamines.
We were all mullered when we got back from Bullet Proof at 7am.
by Dan Fox June 24, 2003
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To take something that belongs to someone else, even though it can clearly be traced back to you.
Damn-I thought I had some coke in the fridge but I appear to have been Mullered.
by MelbIT May 11, 2007
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A last name usually paired with a first name of someone who is attractive. Normally an 'Alisha' or 'Jake'
Alisha: I will name my baby boy Jake!
Nurse: why?
Alisha: fits the last name.
Nurse: Muller?
Alisha: Exactly.
by LittleMissToby July 2, 2013
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The act of hand balling (or passing off) a work task to a colleague. Also, to only partially complete a set task and drop prices without any sign of resistance from the client causing additional work for others.
Damn it, I got this new account and it's been Mullered!
by Mullered August 25, 2009
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