Long Dong Silver - A guy that goes on a ravenous rampage on plundering the booty
by LordSyrinex February 16, 2010
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When a man has an inferority complex because he is self concious about the size of his penis.


Yuri "What is LDS?"
Matt "a MicroErection!"
by coronas92 January 7, 2013
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LDS, or better known as Liberal Derangement Syndrome, is a virus impacting the mental state of conservatives following the result of eight years of Obama administration.
Putin has had LDS bad since since the democratization of Ukraine.

Conservative media has suffered from LDS since the election of Obama.
by Ronald the Swanson January 17, 2020
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“You’re going to be disappointed, I have LDS.”

“Is that some sort of STD???”
“No, I just have a small dick.”
by Syncytial January 4, 2019
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Latter Day Saints, as in The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, which literally means, church of the Jesus Christ that the latter day saints made up to fit their lifestyle.
Mormans and people in the Church of LDS are thoroughly confused.
by jwalk0n July 14, 2008
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Little Dirty Slut - term used to descirbe a female who has been around da block 1 too many times
daym man, she is such a LDS!!
by SlimSunny June 27, 2006
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Little Dick Syndrome

A disorder among men with small man meat. It causes the person to compensate with large personality. These men are typically arrogant and douchey.
Friend: Why is that guy such an asshole?

Me: He's Korean. He must suffer from LDS.
by Jacob Lime March 1, 2016
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