Asking someone to hum on your balls.
Can you do Kid Cudi on my balls?”
by TheGOATVital June 3, 2020
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An average rapper that everyone says is amazing and has a way with words. Really he just says things that are ok but apparently make complete sense when your high.
Man- "Kid Cudi sure knows how to use words."

Other Man- "Not really? He does when we're high but listening to this sober its nothing special."
by Afro Thundalicious June 6, 2010
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A "rapper" who everyone thinks is from Cleveland but really, he is from Shaker Heights. A very up-scale suburb of Cleveland, where doctors raise stuck up children.

Shaker Heights, back in the 50's or so, put up a gate to thier community so the "black ghetto youth" as they called it, wouldn't move into thier town and destroy it.
Faggot: Hey yo Kid Cudi is the sheeeeeit, CLEVELAND REPRESENT SON!!!

Me: He is from Shaker Heights, what a joke...
by j-moneeyyyyyy May 24, 2009
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A guy I guess from Cleavland Ohio, but I really don't know where the hell this loser is from. This ass jockey raps, Kids all think he's the but I never hear his spins on the radio. This shit bird should go back to cleavland, and get a job washing cars or flipping burgers and he should finish school. Cause his raps sound like craps ! !
Emilie: hey did you guys hear the new kid cudi ? ?

Doria : umm Who ? ?

Claudia: well ahhh Yes ! we did.

Jack: Is that the new country western guy,girls ?

Doria: WAIT ! ! ! kid who ? who is this guy i never heard of him !

Claudia: yes, we heard him !

Claudia aside to Doria: shut up dummy ! or she's gonna go on her rant about this idiot !

Doria: ohh yeah ! i heard him. he rocks ! um i mean raps !

Jack : hey is that the guy from Metallica ? ?
I love those guys ! !
by Jack de wack March 24, 2010
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Where rappers go to test their singing abilities.
“Shit I’m losing clout, gotta call Kid Cudi!”
by Burgundy886 April 4, 2022
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"I have to pick up my kids from the Kid Cudi soon."
by neffjake2 June 29, 2023
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