1. Messin' around without much premediated thought, a) to see if you can get away with it, b) to manipulate or gain something (or someone) in return.

2. It can mean fuckin' with someone for no reason other than pleasure of seeing them complain about you.

3. It's like slingin' some shit around to see if something fruititously comes of it, but not getting your hopes worked up about it.

"Why are you jockin me like that?"

"I'm gonna jock this hoes, watch."

"Fuck it, I'm gonna these jock 100 bones on Keno tonight," usually ending with the quick proverbial, "I don't give fuck."
by DCP August 2, 2004
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to embarrass or to skool, someone in anything, mostly schoolwork, video games and sports
"im jockin on Adam in marvel vs. capcom all day"

"my history teacher jocked on me, becuase i did the assignment wrong"
by Tarik Cummings January 10, 2008
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1980's Term for when a female rides a guy cowgirl style.
She was jockin all night.
by Darth Sardonic June 16, 2020
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A hip-hop dance move made popular by the rapper Yung Joc in which one acts like he/she is reving up a motorcycle to the left and right. Hopefully simultaneous with the music!

Its Goin' Down Lyrics: "Now she jockin', yeah its goin' down, slap the waitress on the booty, tell her get another round..."
by C Jam November 24, 2006
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Dance made up by new rapper Yung Jock
Jockin is only tight with the song "Its goin Down"

------Why They never put my words on this fuckin site. Cause Im black. Half the words here white ppl stole from black ppl anyway so we own this site
by Rico from the 301 July 15, 2006
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to stay on somebody (not literaly)but like follow them around like a stalker
"ay yo hop off of chester you just keep jockin him son like you stay on him all day every day he dont even like you.
by DaniBabezz August 21, 2008
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People that take somethin of yours and uses as own
Josh Bowman, and many other people that i know like jockin my style of saying things and thats what i hate
by Dolla Pearson May 26, 2007
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