when heroin addicts take a hit they start 'gouchin'
Uuurrgghh look at that bag head he's gouchin to fuck...
by Mattie-n-DonnysMama April 3, 2009
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The mild state of unconsciousness experienced whilst under the influence of the drug heroin
That gear was amazing, I had such a good gouch on it.
This gear is amazing, I'm gouching like fuck!
by Pugman March 22, 2008
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Gouch Goo - t ch; A mythical creature that must be respected. Often regarded as "The working-mans Unicorn" or "That piece of skin between your ball-sack and your anus"
"John said he seen his Gouch last night, but i just KNOW he's lying...everybody knows that theres no such thing as Gouch... -_-"
by gouch man aka lou May 27, 2008
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Is the initial(wiped out)stage you experience immediately after administering a heroine injection.
by Relain September 18, 2005
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the hairy space in between yer sack and yer poo hole
i need to clean my gouche
by dan August 8, 2003
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The area between the genatalia and rectum
by BarniGubb September 4, 2010
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The part of skin between a persons genitals and their anus.
Dude... you just kicked my gouche!
by sinistercow April 12, 2008
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