when you fart and cum a little in your fresh new boxers.
guy 1: *cum farts*
guy 2: dude why does it smell like that?
guy 1: I accidently cum farted
guy 2: dude that sucks for you.
by doradicksucker1234 July 21, 2018
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After one has anal sex with his partner he/she lets out a fart after being came in people often describe it as a musty smell hence the name musty cum fart
Man #1: oh god
Man #2: what?
Man #1: I just remeber when pyper let out a musty cum fart last night
Man #2: ew why did you have to tell me?
Man #1 you asked you dipshit
by Mr.Big but skinny penis August 11, 2018
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After receiving a load of sperm in the rectum, the receiver farts out the juice which is then orally ingested by either parties or a third party.
Although Ayman wasn't an alcoholic, he wound up drinking a couple cum fart cocktails every night.
by imperial frog April 21, 2006
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its when the guy does the girl up ass, and blows it up there, after she is bleeding, she farts, and the cum comes bubbling out all red from the blood
Last ngiht, Kels gave Nancy a bloody cum fart
by Mike April 29, 2003
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Usually the outcome of some dude on dude action. It is the product of man cum and air pressure build up in the anus thus producing a bubbly cum fart.
Last night, Frank released the biggest bubbly cum fart after sex!
by Papi.chulo November 4, 2015
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Much like quagulated blood, old semen is inserted into an asshole and is then farted.
1.After that ass reaming over a week ago, I've found out that I was diagnosed by my doctor, that I've been having quagulated cum farts.

2.A complete douche bag, who is short, and so is his temper.

3.A fan of hockey team Phildalphia Flyers.
by old cum fart bubbles April 21, 2011
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tourtously peneterating the anus of a female, flaggence then occours, since seman was deposited in the anal cavity and the interior lining of the anus was damaged, blood the spwes from the anus along with gas and seman.
Darla clanched her fists, and in a blustering whirl she dispatched a bloody cum fart.
by Chuck Dickinson September 25, 2003
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