A great band formed in 1965 by Ray Manzarek and Jim Morrison, later joined by guitarist Robby Krieger and drummer John Densmore. The group took their name from Aldous Huxley's 'The Doors of Perception'.The band started as a small band performing at local LA clubs like Whisky A Go'Go. As a record deal was presented to The Doors they recorded their self-titled debut album in only six days. The album sold 1 million copies and catapulted the band to #1 on the Billboard top 100 charts. As time continued the band went on to make a total of 9 albums in a short career of only 8 years due to Jim Morrison's tragic death due to heart failure on July 3, 1971. The Doors were inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame in 1993 and have sold a whopping 32.5 million albums and continue to inspire the young and old with beautiful ballads and soulful blues songs. The Doors will go down in history as one of the best bands of all time, not only because of the cult following they have amassed but their songs that make you think about your entire being and how prolific they were in a span of only a few short years.TELL ALL THE PEOPLE!
RIP Jim from all of your beloved fans who will never forget what you stood for. And a thank you to all the members of The Doors for making sweet sweet beautiful music.
by ComeonnowTouchMeBabe November 20, 2009
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the act of being hit by a door while it is being opened.
Dude i just got doored.
by damanwitdaplan85 February 15, 2009
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Great band, why are they different from other drug addicts in the 60's? wel...some would say cuz they didnt have a bass player, but that's just silly, they rocked cuz they had brains AND that sexy muther fucker Jim Morrison...
I wish i could have been alive i the 60's so i could have screwed Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors...
by ACrappyPseudonym April 27, 2004
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A magic place of entrance, in which people can enter a place then remove the entry hole by closing it. It prevents drafts and people seeing you fuck. Also zombies can't open them.
"Phil, check out that sweet door, you can walk through it, go on walk through it you silly cunt"
by tbelphegor January 17, 2009
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The correct singular of deer.

If goose is the singular of geese, and tooth is the singular of teeth, door should be therefore be the singular of deer
A door was caught in headlights of the car that was driving down the dark road.
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A hippie band whose songs actually had real meaning behind the lyrics unlike the lame trendy teeny-bopper rap/pop/bubbglegum-punk you hear these days.
Not many people know this but Jim M. was actually possesed by demons and if you pay attention to some of his older videos you can see them manefest, and totally change his voice... don't believe me? look for a video called "they sold their souls for rock n roll" you'll see what I mean
by lickmyhatchestmark June 6, 2005
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