When you're super horny and u ask your daddy to slap u with is throbbing cock
Hit me with that negro dick daddy.............Hue Hue Hue ,
Slap me with that wet dick daddy.
by hadef July 14, 2017
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Big Dick Daddy From South Cincinnati is not meaning, it is a person. big dick daddy's not exactly from South Cincinnati. he's from the little town of Enid Oklahoma. He enjoys driving his right hand drive civic hatchback and killing streets on his stunt bike, streets!!!
Did you hear Big Dick Daddy From South Cincinnati is coming out tonight to race a Mustang? Really I just saw him blast down the road in a seat stander on his bike!
by Bongrip420 August 10, 2016
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Made famous by the movie Baby Boy, staring Tyrese Gibson, Ving Rhames, Snoop Dogg, and Omar Gooding.
Jody: You love that daddy dick?


Jody: Yea girl you love that daddy dick.
by bigg rawb May 30, 2008
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some 1 who has some good dick dat knows how to use it and satisfy a women needs
my baby joel gots da daddy dick
by Ashley November 24, 2004
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what a guy with a large penis sometimes calls his package. sometimes this enormous penis size is merely a figment of his imagination. guys like this are usually annoyingly cocky.
Sadly Misinformed Guy: "Deez hoes can't get enough of this daddy dick!"
by Vee Dawg August 3, 2005
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When a boy goes through puberty earlier than his peers, he has a dick the size of a middle aged man compared to his classmates' pre-pubescent dicks.
Boy 1: Wow he hit puberty really early!

Boy 2: I know I saw him in the locker room. He has a daddy dick.
by Astrothegreat January 13, 2015
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Any man who has a child by one woman and has sexual relations with another woman is considered giving her daddy dick
Baby, I know you need some of this daddy dick.
by Annelize October 14, 2005
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