A naturalist, who proposed and provided scientific evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he called natural selection. Misunderstood by religious zealots, the mildly retarded and scientifically challenged individuals. Despised by creationist (or intelligent design, it’s the same thing), and ostracized for showing them that their world is not as simple and God-centered as they wanted to believe. He is once again a flash point due to the increase of religious fanatics and religious extremists usually located in small towns in the United States. Through everything, his evolution has held and is now as solid as the theory of gravity or the theory that the earth is round.
Darwin put an end to anyone with an IQ over 80 believing that the earth was created in six days by some mythological superhero 6000 years ago.
by Michael Behe July 11, 2008
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A gorgeous asshole that makes a girls feel like an angel and then stabs ice picks through their chest and kills their souls. Very hot and pretty and perfect and fjgnwjnlnsk. They are great boyfriends and aren't the brightest crayons in the box at times. The also have a strange obsession with death and hell and piles of dead babies. Good friends and awkward around exes. Die bitch.

Yeah, it's cuz that Darwin broke up with her. Asshole -_-
by ILBVB4L January 6, 2013
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The most amazing and outstanding man you will ever meet. Darwin will always be there for you even if he gets annoying. He’s such a good wholesome bean and if you ever fuck with him his girlfriend will fuck you up. He is loyal to one girl and one girl only. If he ever hurts you he would never stop apologizing. He has really good humor and he can make you laugh even when your balling your eyes out. If you ever meet a Darwin, never let him go. He will be the best thing to ever happen to you.
(Girl 1;) OMG IS THAT DARWIN?!?!

by Typewriter__ February 12, 2019
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A colloquial term for £10 notes that stems from Charles Darwin being on the back of £10 note.
The beers are on me!Ben- Shawn has so many darwins!
by jmanj May 7, 2014
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stalking a girl after being dumped by her. following her, annoying her constantly.
Girl, he's so pulling a darwin!
I know, it's kinda of scary
by class,sassandafineass October 20, 2012
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A black male who enjoys food. Like REALLY enjoys food. Shits way too much because he has diarrhea. Due to this disorder he clogs the toilet way too much which leads to angry housekeeping at Neptune 157. His hair looks like the curly pasta noodles and you can tell he does not ever run. He loves his cookies and tacos. Leads his own church choir every Sunday. Denies that he has any relationship to the cookie monster. He loves the movie Frozen as he loves fairy princesses.
Did you see that boy eat? He is truly a Darwins.
by fartman124 October 5, 2018
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Darwinsm is a religion. Darwinists believe that everyone has 9 lives like a cat. Charles Darwin is the religious leader but he is not a god. Because he only lost one of his 9 lives, he is not dead, but living under water. The holy food of Darwinsm is butter. Darwinists eat at least 2 oz. of butter per meal and eat 5 meals per day. Eating butter is their way to connect to Charles Darwin. They also go to Costco at least once a week and they go to every sample twice. The biggest holiday is on the 4th of July and all Darwinists compete in the hot dog eating contest. Followers of Darwinsm also must go to a fancy pie restaurant on this holiday and when a waiter/waitress asks them if they would care for a slice of pie, they yell their motto, "WE DONT TAKE JUST ONE SLICE OF PIE, WE TAKE THE WHOOLLEEE THING!" Darwinists are fat merlin atheist cats.
by savso78 April 22, 2011
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