Bella swan is a stupid bitch who dosen't deserve Edward or Jacob. She also thinks that everyone loves her. Although she is the most retarded character in the Twilight series everyone wants to be her
look at bella Swan she's such a slut

bella: oh jacob doing this for me cause he loves me!! aww soo sweet
Jacob: no i'm not you stupid bitch! i don't love you anymore... i like your daughter cause your a whore
by harry potter nerd March 19, 2009
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An obvious mary-sue with no personality who gets all the hot guys to fall in love with her, (e.g. Tyler) but ends up choosing mediocre, fairy, wait no, I meant edgy vampire, with "sparkly" skin, mind reading, extreme overrated speed. I think his speed was taken by the Flash. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, no I mean Cullen, she gets married to him in Breaking Dawn, are obvious mary-sues themselves. Why couldn't James just suck her blood out and kill her?
Twilight Fangirl: I wish I was Bella Swan. DX

Twilight Hater: So you want to have the personality of nothingness and slight depression as it says so in the first book?
by Animezing! February 11, 2017
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a stupid slut who is way out of her league and doesn't deserve Jacob, even though she breaks his heart. i personally wish Victoria just slaughtered her.
Bella Swan needs to be killed by someone already.
by Twilight is my religion x3 March 23, 2008
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The main character of the Twilight series. written as exceptionally clumsy with unbelievable bad luck. described to be very beautiful yet highly insecure.

She moves from Phoenix, AZ to Forks WA to live with her father. upon settling in the most sunless peninsula in the United States she meets and falls madly in love with Edward Cullen who is a vampire.

Her incredible bad luck and "mouthwatering sent" attract Edward Cullen thus resulting in a complicated and obsessive relationship.

Through Breaking Dawn, she marries Edward and becomes Bella Cullen.
God i wish i was Bella Swan, shes got beauty and Edward!

Dont trip and pull a Bella Swan.
by TrinityLife September 15, 2008
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Isabella Swan, nicknamed Bella, is an ordinary girl when she moves to the dreary town of Forks. Leaving behind the warm sun of Arizona, her crazy lovable mother, and her new stepfather to live with her father, Charlie, Bella just wishes to be left alone. Although Bella doesn't see it she is a striking young woman and the boys in her school immediatly notice. With her mezmorizing brown eyes, pale skin, and chocolate colored hair Bella recieves the attention she was hoping to avoid. Now living in a new town with many admirers and her quiet father Bella meets a boy that is unlike any that she has met before. When Bella meets the dark, gorgeous, and mysterious Edward Cullen she is taken back by the hatred in those black eyes that stare back at her. Bella puzzles over why Edward hates her so much and when Edward comes back to school after days of absence a new puzzlement begins in her head. Why is he friendly today? Why are his eyes now butterscotch? Why is he so breathtaking? Why do I feel the need to find the secret he hides? Diving in to all her questions Bella sees who the real Edward Cullen is. He is not only protective, kind, and a remarkable talented person, he is also a vampire. Bella falls head over heels with this vampire and he does the same with her. Bella carries trouble wherever she goes and is always thinking about her beloved vampire. All in all Bella Swan is a beautiful, observant, and kind human who gets the fairy tale she never expected to get in Forks, Washington.
Student 1: Hey did you see that new girl, Bella Swan?

Student 2: Yeah she's beautiful think she'll go out with me?
by This is how i do April 28, 2009
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When you know someone is detrimental to be around but you hang around them anyways. Derived from Bella Swan in Twilight, who gets together with Edward Cullen even though he tells her constantly that he could kill her.
Person A: He's such a jerk. Why do you hang around him?

Person B: I don't know.

Person A (to Person C): Person A has such a Bella Swan Complex!
by falloutboyfan182 May 30, 2010
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