Bella Swan

The personification of Stephanie Meyer as written by herself if she was as popular and perfect, as she wishes she had been in high school.
Essentially perfect and lacking any sort of flaws or personality, as to make her easier for teen girls to identify with, though, in reality, it just makes teen girls focus more on Edward Cullen, driving the popularity of a shitty book even higher.
"Bella Swan? Isn't that the girl who hangs around Edward all the time?" "Who cares, Edward is there."
by Trast December 25, 2008
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Bella Swan

The main character in the Twilight saga, AKA he most annoying bitch in popular English literature. She's whiney, shallow, has a superiority complex, and is a necrophiliac.

She's also a Mary Sue that most people love anyway.
Twilight Fangirl: I wish I was Bella Swan!

Sane Person: Why? You want to be a shallow, two-faced bitch?
by JadeHeartOfFire March 22, 2009
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Bella Swan

a whiny, spoiled, bitchy, self-centered character in the Twilight series. Ends up with Edward. Has no real personality except for the fact that she cant walk in a straight line and loves fucking Edward Cullen. Is the girl most girls (and some boys) want to be only because she screws Edward.

SmartPerson: "You want to be a klutzy whiny bitch?"
by BellaIsABitch June 4, 2009
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Bella Swan

Possibly one of the worst written, most irritating characters in modern literature.
Bella is a whiny, two-faced idiot, with a severe vampire complex.
I don't understand how Stephenie Meyer managed to get a degree. I really don't.
Teenage girls that like vampires should not be allowed to read. That way, shitty vampire novels about Bella Swan and Edward Cullen would keep out of our bookstores.
by Mo'suckra June 8, 2011
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Bella Swan

Bella Swan is a whiny cow in the Twilight Saga
Bella Swan: oh no, edward and jacob both love me.
-whinge whinge-
by Shelby Peatling [woot] February 22, 2009
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Bella Swan

1. A character in the Twilight series

2. A painfully obvious Mary-Sue
Bella Swan is such a sueish character!
by Mika Dowlen (Lilac) February 20, 2009
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Bella Swan

A stupid stuttering girl from the overly-adjective saga Twilight. She is overly obsessive and starts seeing hallucinations, jumps off of cliffs and busts her head open riding motorcycles JUST to see a dead person Edward.

Also she's a selfish little person who wants Jacob AND Edward.

Portrays necrophilia and bestiality.

Is said to be really average looking but a lot of guys like her, cannot dress to save her life and seems to be incredibly boring.
Edward Cullen: I'm leaving you

Bella Swan: B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whhy?
by rjfghjsehgnr January 9, 2010
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