See Two-Thousands AKA the 2XXXs
A thousand year period.
Not to be confused with the Third Millenium, which begins and ends exactly a year later.
The 2000s begin on January 1st of the year 2000 and end on December 31st of the year 2999 @ 11:59 P.M.
by Miskatonic Jack 2 November 2, 2006
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The last good decade before everything went to complete shit.
The 2000s were the last good decade.
by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh February 14, 2022
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The era before everything else that was the peak of humanity. Even though it was covered in toxic people and somewhat lazy and creepy media, it was way more creative than these newer decades.
Ahhhh.... The 2000s... I wish the kids of today would see the effort people put into their stuff.
by wikiasuckeru September 7, 2020
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The year that almost everybody thought the world was going to end and all the computers would crash. But, of cource, none of this happened.
It's almost 2000, QUICK buy some spam, beans, and a shotgun!
by mikethefish May 25, 2005
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The first year of the new millennium and the beginning of the 2000s.

Basically just the 1990s and the last good, stable year.

George Bush had no power yet, the Twin Towers were still standing, 2D graphics were still accepted, etc.

The Y2K problem was finally over and practically no computers crashed.
2000 is the year we thought that computers would crash but it didn't.
by JERKER19 July 18, 2010
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America's last great year before its big wake-up call with 9/11. Also, final reign of Bill 'Pimp' Clinton and marks the dawn of the Sixth Generation Console Games; with PS2 out this year as well as DreamCast. Some noteworthy events include, but not limited to, Y2K, great movies (see Fight Club, American Beauty, Gladiator, Cast Away, X-Men). Unemployment was at its lowest in nearly 30 years in America during this time period (1999-2000).

Culturally, fashion was the same with the late 90's and musically R@B and Post-Grunge began taking reigns on the radio charts.
Contrary to what most people think, 2000 isn't the start of the new millennium. It's really 2001.
by Pentrazemine September 7, 2013
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The death of the 1990's =(.

Also the year everyone went out and blew tons of cash on generators in suspicion of the world ending... idiots (in reference to same idiots of 6/6/2006 and future idiots of 12/21/2012).
Apocalyptic Idiot: Dude man, I coulda swore we were all goners when we hit the year 2000! It's definitely comin' in 2012...

Me: You're a moron. I've got your apocalypse right here in my fists... Viva la 90's!
by MajorDub24xx January 22, 2009
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