MarvFood is bad food created by Marv
If u eat it you will be marved!
Thats bad to feel it
"Oh no i eated Marv Food" - Said Person1

"You will be marved!" - Said Person2
Gay food for gays! Dont eat it!
by Notofer February 27, 2020
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It's fucking grouse, it tastes like dog shit. I recommend throwing it out the window or at your evil Russian step mum.
Evil Russian; come and eat we are eating Russian food.
2 seconds later.
Evil Russian; why is the window smashed?!
by Not a Russian December 2, 2016
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(n.) Foods prepared with a George Foreman grill. Especially when they should not be.
Dude! Two pieces of bread. Sliced apple. Kraft slices and peanut butter. Spread mayonnaise on the outside of the bread. Grill for 3 minutes. Best Foreman food ever!
by BSanner November 23, 2010
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A phrase you say to a bitch (or to a guy if ur a fag) meaning for them to not touch your nuts.
No bitch you cannot suck my dick tonight. Hands off my squirrel food.
by Money MT May 19, 2010
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verb: to eat
Jn8gamer20000 foods with you

I like to food
by February 19, 2023
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an American monthly magazine published by Dotdash Meredith.
Since 1988, Food & Wine has published an annual list of the ten best new chefs in America. Among the notable chefs recognized by the magazine are
by SPrice1980 May 8, 2023
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an American monthly magazine published by Dotdash Meredith. It was founded in 197823 by Ariane and Michael Batterberry.
Dana Cowin served as the editor-in-chief of Food & Wine for 21 years.
by SPrice1980 May 8, 2023
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