a really supper cool guy who likes pint vent and is an oynx squad sergeant 😯

BARC INITIATE///?!?!?! 😨😨😨
did you hear about mint bicycle, yeah i heard he fatally shot gard1bas the pedo yesterday
by mint bicycle fan #1 April 19, 2023
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When the girl is riding you like a bicycle and a dog comes to sniff both assholes
Dog get out of here this is turning into a Dirty Bicycle
by _V._ January 8, 2018
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when a person is taking so long to get ready it becomes painful for others, unbeknownst to the culprit
"Jeez, Kelly what took you so long, were you building a bicycle?!"
by rolfmeyers February 19, 2010
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A sex act a man in a David Hasselhoff mask throwing frozen jizz bricks while the song "jump in my car" plays. Winner is whoever catches the most bricks with hands in pockets. Winner has sex with Hasselhoff on a bicycle but must scream "Mr.Gorbchev tear down that wall!" upon completion. Clothes discouraged.
"Me and the lads are going to ride the Berlin Bicycle later, you in?" "No, I still can't taste anything but salt from the last time."
by AlsoNotADoctor November 3, 2021
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How you gets home from the pub after a monumental night of drinking.
“Went on the piss last night. No idea how I got home, must have taken the magical bicycle“.
by biguglybootneck April 27, 2024
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Term for your butt hole; in reference to the way it looks.
Ryan needs to clean is bicycle wheel.

Ryan likes to lube his bicycle wheel.
by Andy Falcone March 30, 2016
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