Like doing an oatmeal trick, but with more carbs and protein.
“Hey man, wanna go noodle the jerky?”
“Yes! I was getting tired of oatmeal tricks.”
by Oatmeal trickster October 17, 2022
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When a cooter is stale and dried to the consistency of beef jerky. See also: "geriatric labia."
I knew she wasn't young, but I wasn't expecting cooter jerky!
by Buck Kackey August 18, 2020
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In the act of anal sex, the girl squeezes her buttox and jerks away really fast. Leaving the man's Tally Wacker in pain.
"WOW, that bitch gave me a Jerky ox last night. I'm going to dump her ass."
by delli June 6, 2007
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A handjob that a gal gives a not-overly-bright guy in exchange for his assisting her in some way (passing her a few bucks, helping her with homework, giving her a ride, doing a little work on her bike/car, etc.), when she knows full well that his generosity on her behalf is worth far more than just a momentary/temporary sexual pleasure.
Dude #1: Yo, where ya been, Bro?? Da game is nearly at half-time --- you were gonna sit and watch da whole show with me!
Dude #2: Yeah, I know, Man --- sorry I'm late, but I was helping Tiffany to finish up her algebra homework --- she'd already paid me for my efforts, so I didn't wanna run out on her till I was done.
Dude #1: Tiffany PAID you for your work? Dat gal is such a spendthrift that she hasn't got a dime to her name most of da time! What'd she pay ya with?
Dude #2 (flushing a little): Oh, she let me play with her boobs while she "relieved the pressure".
Dude #1: Ahhhhh... she gave ya da ol' turkey jerky routine, eh?
by QuacksO November 29, 2017
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A merkin turkey that jerks off, to a porno!!!!
James: Yo kevin you are a turkey jerky!!!!
by cookiejar123 June 5, 2023
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reverse jerky- 1)when a man sits on a woman's lap facing away from her and she jerks him off like it is her own dick
2) when the jerker flips their hand from palm under the shaft to palm on top of the shaft and precedes to jerk off
Mother Theresa asked me to sit on her lap last night and much to my surprise I got a reverse jerky.
by fuzziness grime and friends August 19, 2020
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When you sit on your right hand so it falls asleep and then you use it to jerk off while your hand is still asleep
She finally lifted her big head off my hand last night but she wouldn’t wake up so I just indulged in the ol murky jerky
by Bootyclapper November 5, 2021
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