The amount of greenhouse gas emissions a person causes while getting a tan.
"Wow, James just broke the scale on carbon tanprint by travelling from Iceland to Australia to get a tan"
by Heimir Han July 20, 2017
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A government that has been captured by the fossil fuels industry for example the UK
Tarquin - I hear the UK government is going to use carbon capture, so your shares in those North sea oil companies are going to go through the roof.
Rollo - Yes, it's going to be sick - are you going to stay in the place in Switzerland when floods start ?
by fnard March 30, 2023
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Low in carbon usage. Carbon is what we create when we work or even breath. Making a product like shampoo puts out a certain amount of carbon. When transporting it to the store the amount of fuel burnt is carbon.
When trucking that product to the store they burnt less fuel so it was a low carbon delivery.
by James Booth October 1, 2007
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A game where you race crew members on the canyons surrounding the city.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 24, 2018
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A person that is no longer in your life and basically dead to you, is a carbon fart.
David is nothing more than a carbon fart - nothing but hot air and empty promises. Can't believe he's one of my exes - what did I see in that guy?
by Siouxsie Supertramp November 7, 2023
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