Additional fees incurred in Central and South America by those of European-Decent for being white and foreign. (Namely Americans and Canadians) The opposite of Local's pricing. (They have other words that this author is uncomfortable using for non-white Americans and Canadians)
"Hey Man, I'm a local, don't try to give me those Gringo Fees"

"Is that the price for locals, or is that the Gringo Fee/Price?"
by youowememoney December 15, 2018
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A minor inconvenience that feels like a major one.
Examples of Gas Fee

Enemy jangler takes your red buff

Dad takes your pc

Teacher hands out homework
by phrasechad March 17, 2022
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It’s that thing where a couple wants to come over for dinner, but you only like the wife. So, you hang out with them for a couple of dinner dates, but in return, get to fuck the wife. That’s a Porkage Fee.
He only wants to talk about fishing and 2004 Mahtomedi varsity hockey games. But I let them come hang out a few times because she’s hot and the Porkage Fee was worth it.
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a lanky fuck known as fuck sticks
See that twig over there, hes a Jamie Fee
by Pavranium March 8, 2022
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When you load a blunt/joint/bowl/bong/and other form of smokage and hit it an extra time because you're the one who provided the smoke.
Person 1: Why do you always hit than an extra time?
Person 2: "Passers Fee" fool!
by ParisAscent May 11, 2016
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What da supposedly-minor service-charge is actually gonna be.
I was told by da customer-service rep at my computer's manufacturer dat there would be a "nominal rate of $1.99 per minute" for tech-support, but I knew dat said service-call would likely take a good forty-five minutes, and so I decided to just wait till morning and ask my computer-geek buddy to take a look at it instead... no need to pay a phenominal fee of 90-plus bucks!
by QuacksO May 17, 2020
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The price a pimp tells his hoe she is taxed when she leaves as a taxation for breaking loyalty and respect. In some ways like a deposit.
The bitch fagged off so she had to pay the leaving fee of 10k
by KingP2018$ August 24, 2018
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