You use this expression when you are drunk AND in Spain.
Pablo has drunk a lot!
Pablo: "Voy un poco Tinky Winky 🤪🤙"
by la bbsita rexulona November 5, 2021
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Someone that eats their twins in the womb and and looks like an elf
Omg that boy is a tinky winky
by YOU KNOW ME00 September 16, 2021
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1. An emotion describing a conflict between feelings of guilt or apprehension over unfinished work and an intense urge to fuck something.
2. When one is worried or anxious about a sexual situation.
3. An emotional icon or "emoticon" used in online chatting situations.
1. "God, I found this really hot girl passed out in the parking lot, but I have to be at work in 3 hours. I'm a little winky-worried, man."

2. "I dunno, I'm feeling kinda winky-worried that this girl might have AIDs."

3. lol. ;/
by Joe Brown Superman February 4, 2009
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Yo let’s get a drinky winky:)
by Spam folder September 26, 2021
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Chinky winky is the dirty smell coming out of a female's vagina during intercourse. It is mostly because of not washing yourself before sex. It is really common in long term relationships.
Dude 1: Man I was trying to hit but she had that chinky winky. Dude 2: What does that mean bruh? Dude 1: Chinky winky is the smell of yo mama's pussy when I swuskied.
by Mino Visuals October 11, 2022
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